Rights Types 
Advertising based Transactions. A service that derives revenue from advertising. The end-user does not pay for the usage of the service. Income is generated via advertising and/or sponsoring. The content is streamed or downloaded to rent whereby Content is delivered via a distribution system such as the internet but given specific usage restrictions. The end user effectively “rents” the transmitted content and technology is used to cause the Content to be available for listening to and/or viewing only either (i) during a fixed period of time or (ii) for a limited number of times; 
Subscription based Transactions. A service that derives revenue from a period base such as a monthly or annual subscription fee for the use of or access to Content in accordance with the terms and conditions of that subscription. The content is streamed or downloaded to rent whereby Content is delivered via a distribution system such as the internet but given specific usage restrictions. The end user effectively “rents” the transmitted content and technology is used to cause the Content to be 
available for listening to and/or viewing only either (i) during a fixed period of time or (ii) for a limited number of times; 
Transaction based Transactions. A service that derives revenue from a transaction such as a one-off payment for the use of or access to Content in accordance with the terms and conditions of that transaction. The content is streamed or downloaded whereby a Content is delivered via a distribution system such as the internet; 
Describing of the territories where the track is available.
A string of 3- and 2-digit country codes with a + prefix for inclusion and a – prefix for exclusion.
For example:
+WRD -US -CA means worldwide minus United States and Canada.
+US +CA +MX means United States, Canada and Mexico
+WRD -EUR means worldwide minus Europe
+EUR -BEN -FR means Europe minus BelNeLux and minus France. 
Next to all 2 digit Country ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes the following groups are defined:
CountryGroup Description
AFR Afrika
BEN Benelux
CAR Caribbean
EUR Europe
FUS Former U.S.S.R.
MEA Middle East
NAM North America
SAM South America
SCA Scandinavië
SEA South East Asia
UKI U.K. and Ireland
USC U.S. and Canada
WRD World