Deleting Albums and Tracks in the Content Editor
The deletion of albums and tracks in the Content Editor can ‘t be done directly by end users, but only by The Source system administrators. However, end users of the web interface can set up a track or album for deletion by marking it to be deleted .
Tracks and albums marked for deletion will be deleted by us on a regular basis and on a short term this process will be fully automated so the deletion will be performed within 1 working day in most cases. In case this is not sufficient or you experience any problems please contact your account manager.
A track or album is set up for deletion by adding or changing the tag ReviewStatus to the value To Delete
General note (1): we currently do not support a roll back system for track or album deletion. So use with care!
General note (2): NEVER set an album which has been delivered, or is set ready for delivery, to be deleted. Deleting a delivered album will have severe consequences for accounting and for that reason is not allowed. For the same reason a track cannot be deleted if it is on one or more albums with the ReviewStatus not set to To Delete. If you want an undeletable album or track hidden, kept from deletion, taken down etc., please contact your account manager.
General note (3): Setting up an album for deletion will NOT delete the tracks on the album.
More detailed description on how to set up a track or album for deletion:
Marking single track or album to be deleted:
To mark an album or track for deletion:
- Select the album or track in the content editor
- Select the tab Tags
- If the tag ReviewStatus is set remove the tag(s) (see illustration below)
- Set the tag ReviewStatus to To Delete
- Done!

Marking all tracks on a albums to be deleted:
To mark an all tracks on an album for deletion simply use the following procedure:
- Select the album in the content editor
- Select the tab Tags
- If the tag ReviewStatus is set remove the tag(s) (see illustration below)
- Click on Clear all from Tracks next to ReviewStatus
- Set the tag ReviewStatus to To Delete
- Click on Set on Tracks
- Done.